

weather taiwan taichung的相關標籤

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感謝台灣! Thank you Taiwan!! We played two shows at the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung. The weather was so cold , about 10 degrees celcius with a cold breeze coming through that weekend. We had awesome food, met great people, all the things that keep me coming back to this beautiful country. Always a good experience in Taiwan sharing our music and stories from Sarawak, Malaysia ✨ Day 1. 感謝台灣! 很高興有機會在 台灣燈會2020「璀璨台中」帶來兩場演出。 那個週末,僅十多度的寒流冷颼颼的,但台灣溫暖且美好人事物,卻讓我們的心暖暖的。 他們說台灣最美的風景的人,對我們來說,餐桌上的景色也很不得了,大大小小的美食都超棒的! 真的很開心可以與台灣分享來自馬來西亞,砂拉越的音樂與故事。希望有機會與你們再會! Band @foolsindeed @iamthejonwong @jimmy.zhai5 Captured by @din_hormatov

感謝台灣! Thank you Taiwan!! We played two shows at th...